Robert Williams
Pure Symbols
Self initiated project to create clear global design direction for all iconography to improve efficiency of creation and consistency in design across all branded product and marketing.
In response to a company re-org and reduction in resources I initiated a project to define clear design direction for all iconography design with in Nokia. By creating design principles, styleguide and icon libraries we improved efficiency of creation and the quality and consistency of delivered assets to all products and marketing across the company. Documenting our design approach and gaining approval from senior design leadership reduced emotive discussions with partners, and stated clear ownership of the specialism within the business. The guidelines empowered a network of designers across the business to contribute and extend the existing library whilst maintaining quality.
The Nokia icon style has been born out of the need to primarily work on digital devices and render clearly across a multitude of devices and sizes. The simple flat geometric shapes and angles not only work best on a pixel grid but also in printed media.

Design Principles

Design Guidelines

Library of over 500 Icons

Tested Globally

To enable designers, marketeers and others to access approved assets and information easily we created a number of different access points through vector masterfiles, symbol font, online searchable database and presented at design roadshows around the business. We were able to extended the impact of the team and brand consistency through these asset libraries and design tools which spread virally around company. They were successfully adopted by many new teams and business areas.

Vector Masterfiles

Symbol Font

Online Database

Design Sharing Sessions

The Pure Symbols created the branded icon style in use across the full range of Nokia consumer touchpoints, including web, on product graphics, packaging, on device applications and core platform software. Greater impact and awareness was created when also used for high profile internal communication.


First Use Indicators

System & App Software

Software & Hardware

Internal Brand Posters

Internal Brand Videos

To discuss future opportunities,

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© 2015 Nokia UK Limited.

Artwork © Robert Williams.

All rights reserved.