Robert Williams
App Icons
Responsible for creative direction to develop a new style of branded application iconography launching on the Nokia N9 and across all products and services.
The style fuses with the Meego software platform design language and wider developments in the main Nokia brand identity. The icon style welcomes developers and embraces third party applications accessible on all devices by providing a canvas to express their own brand identity within the unique surround shape. Nokia has a rich heritage of iconography familar to millions of people around the globe, the new style sensitively evolved the new icons to maintain continuity and upgrade ease. The style created was scaled across the whole portfolio and tested around the world to ensure clear usability was maintained.
Creating a style which is fresh and new while respecting the familiarity and heritage of previous style, and enabling developers to express their own brands seamlessly.

Refine, refine and refine again to create the best icon that is easily understood by all.

An extensive library of over 200 icons created to represent the full range of applications and services, tested globally to ensure understanding and ease of use.

Implemented across all consumer devices and marketing touchpoints in all global markets, building an iconic unified brand identity.

Brand Identity
The iconography became an important branded asset and was used to create a sense of the brand and give impact across a wide variety of marketing.

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© 2015 Nokia UK Limited.

Artwork © Robert Williams.

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