Robert Williams
Digital Content
Created clear design approach to digital content delivery to align emotive stakeholders and improve efficiency, cost and quality.
Fresh new approach to digital content set to differentiate Nokia from competition and enlighten the brand to young urban target consumers. Through art directing young illustrators and photographers from around the world we created content which directly reflected the visual culture of global markets where products were being sold. The principles and approach saved valuable time and money by demonstrating how the delivery supported the product and brand design story to multiple stakeholders focusing review sessions. This approach lead to a new team being created and new ideas for crowd sourced content allowing for bespoke content with low investment.
Developed clear guidelines to create successful digital content which both improved quality of delivery and also provided clear criteria to measure success with multiple stakeholders.

Design Approach
Built a library structure to offer variety of personalisation to consumers with 4 categories: Global Art, Hero Graphic, Photographic Figurative and Photographic Texture.

Bold graphic direction different to competitors, which can be customised to harmonise with all colours in the product range and the form can differ to express each platform story.

Rich in colour and detail to sell the high quality screens, new perspectives, unusual angles, harmonising with the physical material colours of each device range.

Global Artists
Embracing artists from around the world to create locally relevant contemporary content which harmonises with the physical material colours of each device range.

Video Content
To highlight the bespoke work created with artists we produced a video showing how one of the pieces of art was created using time lapse and detail shots during the drawing. This was then preloaded onto devices along with the wallpaper itself.

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© 2015 Nokia UK Limited.

Artwork © Robert Williams.

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